1) Time to shift focus to the maritime sphere-

GS 2

Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests



For a country that has been traditionally obsessed with a continental approach to war and peace, India’s continental ‘grand’ strategy is facing an existential crisis today.

Reconciliation with its key adversaries(enemies), China and Pakistan, is unlikely at this point and pursuing its ambitious territorial claims on the ground is almost impossible.

New Delhi’s continental options seem restricted to holding operations to prevent further territorial loss.

Put differently, New Delhi’s grand strategic plans in the continental space may have reached a dead end.





The current state of India’s continental strategies is hardly flattering(encouraging).

China has begun to push the boundaries with India, quite literally so, and Beijing is neither keen on ending the ongoing border stalemate nor reinstating(putting back) the status quo(existing state) with India as of March 2020.

The peaceful India-China Line of Actual Control in the Northeast is now a thing of the past with China pushing back New Delhi’s claims on Aksai Chin. 

New Delhi is defending against Beijing’s expansive territorial claims and their slow but aggressive implementation.

China has crossed the red line with India and India’s LAC with China is not going to be the same ever again: It is the beginning of a long, bitter winter in the Himalayan borders between the two Asian giants.

In the Northwest, the Pakistan front has also been heating up. Ceasefire violations on the Line of Control (LoC) have spiked since last year as has the infiltration of terrorists across the LoC.

With the change of the status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) by New Delhi in 2019, and Pakistan altering its political map a few months ago to include all of J&K, the India-Pakistan contestation over Kashmir has become fiercer(aggressive).

Equally important is the geopolitical collusion between Islamabad and Beijing to contain and pressure New Delhi from both sides.

While this is not a new phenomenon, the intensity of the China-Pakistan containment strategy against India today is unprecedented(never happened before).

The extent and intent behind this collusion will determine the future of the high stakes game in the Himalayas for a long time to come.



The ongoing withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan (the loss of a friend in the region for New Delhi, and the consequent reduction of India’s influence in Afghanistan) and the return of the Taliban, with whom India has very little contact, could turn the geopolitical tide against New Delhi — similar to the situation in the early 1990s.

But unlike in the 1990s, tables have turned in Afghanistan.

The Taliban is no more an outcaste, and with the withdrawal of forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from Afghanistan, the geopolitical interests of Pakistan, China and Russia would broadly converge in the region.

The change of the geopolitical landscape in Afghanistan and the frictions in Iran-India relations will further dampen(hurt) India’s ‘Mission Central Asia’.

In sum, this is perhaps the end of the road for New Delhi’s north-eastern and north-western geopolitical forays(entries).

For sure, India needs to find a way out of this situation. One key part of the solution is to creatively deal with its continental dilemmas.

To begin with, New Delhi must seek ways to break up the ‘nutcracker situation’ that the Pakistani and Chinese strategies have forced India into.

To do so, India would need to deal with the comparatively easier part first — the Pakistan front.

Pressure from the Pakistan front could be eased by addressing the Kashmir question with Islamabad.

Creating a modicum of normalcy on the LoC by activating existing mechanisms such as the Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) hotline is another way to deal with the Pakistan front.

However, there is little appetite in New Delhi to do so.

So, unless there is political will in New Delhi to put in place a strategy to address the Pakistan front, there will be little respite from the nutcracker situation that it faces today.

And yet, it is time for New Delhi to think beyond its continental fixation.



It appears abundantly clear now that New Delhi’s excessive focus on the continental sphere since Independence has not yielded great returns in terms of secure borders, healthy relations with its neighbours or deterrence stability vis-à-vis adversaries.

If so, it is time for India to change its grand strategic approach — by shifting its almost exclusive focus from the continental sphere to the maritime sphere.

Clearly, New Delhi has already begun to think in this direction with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) establishing a new division to deal with the Indo-Pacific in April 2019.

The work in this direction, both ideational and practical, needs to be fast-tracked to keep pace with the emerging realities and to make use of new opportunities.

There are several reasons why a maritime grand strategy would work to India’s advantage while still struggling with a continental dilemma(confusion).

To begin with, the maritime sphere is wide open to India to undertake coalition building, rule setting, and other forms of strategic exploration.

India is located right at the centre of the Indo-Pacific geopolitical imagination, in the midst of the oceanic space spanning “from the shores of Africa to that of the Americas”.



Second, unlike in the continental sphere, there is a growing great power interest in the maritime sphere, especially with the arrival of the concept of ‘Indo-Pacific’.

The Euro-American interest in India’s land borders with Pakistan and China is negligible, and more so, there is little any country can do to help India in its continental contestations.

The situation in the maritime sphere is the exact opposite: great powers remain ever more interested in the maritime sphere and this interest has grown substantially since the coinage of Indo-Pacific.

For instance, Germany recently released its Indo-Pacific guidelines following the example of France which brought out its Indo-Pacific strategy last year.

Third, Beijing’s behaviour in the South China Sea in particular has generated a great deal of willingness among the Euro-American powers including Australia and Japan, to push back Chinese unilateralism.

This provides New Delhi with a unique opportunity to enhance its influence and potentially checkmate the Chinese ambitions in the region.

Finally, the maritime space is a lot more important to China than engaging in opportunistic land grab attempts in the Himalayas.

China undertakes massive trade via the Oceanic routes and the complex geopolitics around the maritime chokepoints which can potentially disrupt that trade.

A revitalised Indian maritime grand strategy may or may not checkmate China in the Himalayas; it may even prompt Beijing to increase pressure there.

But it will certainly provide New Delhi a lot more space for manoeuvre(operation) in the region and message Beijing that its Himalayan adventure could become costly for it.

New Delhi must use its Indo-Pacific engagements to dissuade(discourage) Beijing from salami-slicing(cutting) Indian territory in the high Himalayas.




Therefore, it is high time New Delhi shifted its almost exclusive focus from the continental space to the maritime space, stitching together a maritime grand strategy.

The MEA’s Indo-Pacific Division is a good beginning; so is the decision in 2019 to elevate the Quad meetings among India, Japan, the United States and Australia to the ministerial level.

New Delhi would do well to ideate on the current and future maritime challenges, consolidate its military and non-military tools, engage its strategic partners, and publish a comprehensive vision document on the Indo-Pacific.

More so, New Delhi should consider appointing a special envoy for Indo-Pacific affairs.

The Asian geopolitical chessboard awaits bold moves by New Delhi.



2) On the Quad, define the idea, chart a path-

GS 2

Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests



It is reported that the second Ministerial meeting of the four countries under the Quad will be held in Japan.

Sadly, the person who conceived this idea, Shinzō Abe, has stepped down as the Prime Minister of Japan. Mr. Abe was a strategic thinker who thought beyond the limited timeframe of Japanese revolving-door politics.

In 2007, the Quad (the United States, Japan, India, and Australia) was an idea whose time had not yet come. That was a different world.




The global financial crisis was still lurking(hiding) in the shadows as America continued to enjoy its ‘unipolar moment’.

The American establishment still believed that it could, somehow, persuade(convince) China to become a ‘responsible stake-holder’.

And, in any case, required Chinese goodwill in dealing with America’s priorities — the nuclear issue with North Korea and Iran, and the War on Terror.

Japan and Australia were riding the China Boom to prosperity.

If India was ambivalent(uncertain) at the time, it was because this mirrored the uncertainties of others.

China’s shrill(high-pitched) reaction to the idea of four like-minded countries establishing a plurilateral platform(QUAD) was, prima facie, intriguing(fascinating).

The idea was barely on the table; there was no clearly enunciated(pronounced) concept or proposed structures, much less joint understandings.

The Chinese, however, labelled it as an Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

It became evident years later that the real reason for China’s hyperreaction was out of concern that such a grouping would “out” China’s plans for naval expansion by focusing on the Indo-Pacific maritime space.

China was hoping that its naval build-up might slip under the radar because the Americans were distracted by continental challenges including Russia, Afghanistan and Iran, and would not look sea-ward.

Once the idea of Quad 1.0 had died down, China gained in confidence to reveal its hand.

It advanced a new claim — the Nine-Dash Line — in the South China Sea; it undertook the rapid kind of warship building activity reminiscent(similar) of Wilhelmine Germany before 1914.

Cyina built its first overseas base in Djibouti; and it started systematically to explore the surface and sub-surface environment in the Indian Ocean beyond the Malacca Straits.

This entire activity was coordinated by a Central Leading Small Group for Protecting Maritime Rights and Interests, established in 2012.

China’s dismissal of the Arbitral Award in the dispute with the Philippines on the South China Sea and its brazen(serious) militarisation of the islands after its President had publicly pronounced to the contrary raised concerns.

Such events has once again brought the four countries onto the same page and given a second chance to the Quad.




The Chinese are skilled at obfuscation(making unclear).

They will, perhaps, endeavour(strive) to conflate(enlarge) the Quad with the Indo-Pacific vision, and link both to the so-called China Containment Theory.

The Quad nations need to better explain that the Indo-Pacific Vision is an overarching framework that is being discussed in a transparent manner, with the objective of advancing everyone’s economic and security interests.

The Quad, on the other hand, is a plurilateral mechanism between countries that share interest on specific matters. There are other such mechanisms in the region.

In 2016, China itself established a Quadrilateral Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan and, more recently earlier this year, another one with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal.

The Quad is no exception.



This time around, the four countries are navigating through more turbulent(disturbed) waters.

The global pandemic and the faltering(weakening) global economy are taking a toll on the region’s growth and prosperity.

The two major Pacific powers (China and America), are moving into a more adversarial phase of their relationship.

Public opinion about China in all four countries is different from what it used to be in 2007.

The fact of the meeting itself will signal to China that assertive or aggressive behaviour is not going to derail this mechanism.

The forthcoming Ministerial meeting will be an opportunity to define the idea and chart a future path.

Needless provocation of China should be avoided. There is no gain in actions that anger the Chinese with no commensurate(in proportion) benefit to the others.



In a recent address to the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) on August 31, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, Stephen Biegun, spoke about making sure that all the countries were moving at the same speed.

This is an important statement because a plurilateral mechanism should also serve national interest.

He also suggested that other countries might be invited to join in the future. This too is welcome; India has many other partners in the Indo-Pacific.

A positive agenda built around collective action in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, monitoring shipping for search and rescue or anti-piracy operations, infrastructure assistance to climatically vulnerable states, connectivity initiatives and similar activities.

Such agenda will re-assure the littoral(bordering) States that the Quad will be a factor for regional benefit, and a far cry from Chinese allegations that it is some sort of a military alliance.



An outreach to the Indian Ocean littoral states is especially important since there are motivated reports from some quarters suggesting that India is, somehow, seeking to deny access, or to create infrastructure that impedes(restricts) the legitimate movement of some extra-regional countries through the Indian Ocean.

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