Prescribed In fifth Attempt To Join Indian Air Force

NCC All India Best Cadet Air Wing To Getting Recommended For Air Force In ninth Attempt 

Women and men of their word. I am Rittik Kumar Jana, from Barrackpore, WB. I at long last got suggested in my ninth endeavor by NCC Special passage flying from 2 AFSB Mysore and got into the legitimacy as well. It's a long excursion of disappointments. I 'll talk about my AFSB's after a little presentation. (well AFSB in light of the fact that I never got the inspiration to try and get screened in, in the military and the maritime SSB loads up.) 

Here it started: Being a military rascal. I saw my dad present with commitment, in the uniform. He was regarded by all. He propelled me, from a young age to enhance the uniform. He resigned as a Hav. furthermore, died leaving me with a pack loaded with encounters and lessons of different parts of life and spots across India, and a duty to remain back for my mom and kin. 

I Did my +2 from APS Barrackpore and Btech from HIT, Haldia. The energy towards the uniform drove me to NCC and I got together with the NCC junior division and later, senior division in Air wing (2 Bengal air sqn NCC). My NCC unit wasn't in my school. I needed to make do with a far found school and keep up the kid high for my preparation in NCC on ends of the week. I got chose for the Prestigious Republic day Camp speaking to the Air wing as well as the entire directorate as a best cadet contender. 

I partook in all the exercises like singing, move, drill, talk with, shooting and so on and got chose for GOH (Guard of honor) and pronounced the Best Cadet Air Wing 2017 by the Prime priest, Mr. Narendra Modi. Afterward, I got chose and went for the Youth trade program, Russia and got a ton of different accomplishments as well. Every one of these accomplishments made me imagine that I am an official material yet I fizzled. I flopped over and over and once more, even subsequent to taking instructing twice, I fizzled. With 3 gatherings in AFSB, 2 at Dehradun and 1 at Varanasi and 5 screen outs Twice in Allahabad, 1 Varanasi,1 Bangalore,1 Coimbatore, I began scrutinizing my accomplishments. 

What turned out badly in past endeavors? (peruse next line moderate, relate, its profound) 

Consolidating all the provisos, I would state it was absence of mindfulness and readiness. I didn't know about myself, yet, overestimated myself. I likewise believed that I am burning through my time in longing for joining the powers. Or maybe, I should simply take up the activity that I got during school arrangements. Truly, I thought everything simply the way like individuals among you, who haven't made it yet. "Paar dil hai ke manta nahi". I continued onward, continued dealing with myself, continued propelling myself, kept a dynamic disposition, confronted each challenge head on and better believe it, here I am. My lone counsel to you, yes you, is that, give it, "WHATEVER IT TAKES" 

The ninth Attempt, summation of every past endeavor. 

What happened at long last in this fruitful endeavor? 


I arrived at Mysore, a day earlier, and hopped into the Sainik rest house found close by. Revealed the board the following morning with companions definitely known from past SSB's. 

Day 1 

After the archive check and chest number dispersion, OIR Test is finished. At that point in PPDT, the Hazy picture appeared to be a town scene. I made a story and described in stream. Entered the conversation second, coordinating the gathering towards determining a subject instead of centering age, temperament, sex. Gathering story was not the same as mine however useful and comparative with the image, so I upheld it with the focuses from my story. I connected my story with the gathering story and gave some basic focuses. Assigned the person who gave valid statements and tuned in to others as well. 2 folks got in, me and one more. After the documentation and rest, the Psych test was advised and directed. The tales I made were connected legitimately to my genuine circumstances. It was basic as I just composed what I did when I confronted that circumstance however with itemized activities with no avocation. WAT came up without authentic information and just reasonable contemplations, making me polish off by 10-12 seconds for each word. SRT, I could just figure out how to finish 45, however with powerful itemized activities. SD was pre-arranged and henceforth it was finished with comfort. We composed our PIQ's at that point and the day closes with an instructions for the following not many days. 

Day 2 

That is the day 1 of GT. The earlier night I continued saying in my brain not to consider the past presentation to be in the present. I experienced the notes of Cdr. Rajan sir. The morning we started with GD, having absence of information about the theme I just figured out how to give my view focuses and kept the discussion straightforward. The gathering too was inviting and helpful and subsequently had an excellent conversation inevitably causing me to comprehend the subject. In GPE my thought process was to keep a general pragmatic methodology considering all the elements like assets, needs, time, men, separation and so forth in each arrangement making it a fresh arrangement. This aided in unwavering focus henceforth permitting me to put better intelligent focuses during conversation. The PGT went great as my contemplations were worthy and theirs too from my side. I helped my companions at whatever point required remembering the simplicity of development for them and the heap. GOR, however I remained at the center of the line. I was effectively ready to advance forward yet I likewise stayed aware of the simplicity of development for my companions. I helped them at whatever point required and got back holding the snake while continuing to next. The rallying call was interesting " Aam ka achar, Aja simple yaar" we made that during supper while having the achar truly. The following HGT,we treated each other's thought with tolerance however rapidly, yet wound up having no clue.the GTO then brought up with an indication and every one of the three of us got it and continued to polish it off. We had our lecturette at that point, having got the theme Himalayan reaches in 1, I began with a rationale to clarify the subject like its done to a little child. I polished off in 2 – 2.15 mins and returned. The day finished. I noted down the spots I committed errors just on the off chance that I'm not chosen. It will help in adjustment for the following endeavor. 

DAY 3 

The day 2 of GT. (I was weighing 96 for example 20 kgs overweight) We prepared for the IO. I began with rope climbing and completed 8 assignments altogether, leaving the divider hop and tire bounce as I was hefty. CT, I was called only once as subordinate and GTO considered me the second last. He changed a few hues twice and needed me to design without a rope too once. I took little delays of 5-10 seconds and thought of thoughts. I ensured the undertakings were executed by me as I am the authority and furthermore kept my companions calm while crossing, I simply utilized them to pass on the helping materials. before CT the GTO requested my presentation and some cross inquiries. One of which I couldn't reply. I answered with a note to hit him up after I got that information. At that point happened the FGT, with same endeavors like PGT I performed here as well, centered around aiding and seeing each other's thought's and continuing. The GT was finished. We were directed back to dormitories, we appreciated the night and I assembled data which I didn't reply. My GTO was my DSO. subsequently while evening fell in he pointed me in a roundabout way and afterward posed a similar inquiry. I was astounded, I answered with the appropriate response and felt upbeat. 

DAY 4 

I had the meeting so the earlier night I got back with the notes I made and reviewed my life actually. I made my formals prepared and arrived at the area on schedule. He took my envelope 5 mins previously and I needed to hold up till at that point. The meeting began straight away barbecuing me on my corpulence. Starting 3-4 mins, weight was only the subject of talk. I had my answers. He enquired about my exhibition in different undertakings, to which I answered that I was very fulfilled. He stirred up the CIQs and the manner in which I arranged was not happening basically. I tuned in to the inquiries appropriately and answered individually . He asked my escape clauses and qualities and checked the equivalent in various manners. As I had them with profound thoughtfulness various occasions, it went on with my character. There were inquiries on loved ones, work profile, inn life in school, co-curriculars and accomplishments. He additionally solicited me a few rudiments from aviation based armed forces and standards of flight and some most recent news. The meeting endured around 20-25 mins and I was approached to leave with a grin. In the wake of returning I again noted down purposes of rectification and potential spots of progress for the following SSB if not this time. I discovered something dubious," I didn't specify my two greatest accomplishments in any event, whenever I was allowed a chance to state". I noted it down. Later With group we went out and appreciated the night at that point played b-ball for quite a while and the day finished. 

DAY 5 and 6 

The D-day. "Gathering". Everybody spruced up well back in formals trusting that their name will be called. they went in and out it went on till 29 and afterward a hold up of 15-20 mins… at that point a sit tight after 31 for 5-10 mins and a sit tight for 10 mins after 32. I was 33. I entered 10 mins after 32 remaining and was invited with a grin by all the assessors. They posed me one inquiry," What are your two greatest accomplishments?" I thought "OMG, I missed those things in the meeting". I answered " sir I was the best cadet air wing of 2017 and another will be the Selection to speak to India at Russia". They said alright. I left. They caused all of us to sit in the corridor and the DSO Called up chest no 30, 32 and 33 are suggested. That is the second which each applicant can picture. At long last. The DSO Told me to decrease my weight soon and the day closes. On sixth we had CPSS and I cleared it. 

How could I get ready for this endeavor?

How did I prepare for this attempt?

I used to jot down possible mistakes done in previous attempts. Got into a coaching academy and had my interview done by a retired assessor Maj Gen VPS Bhakuni and got some correction tips. I joined as a video editor and worked there as an instructor for various adventure activities. My NCC Air wing knowledge helped me keep my Air force related knowledge strong. I Prepared with my friends, all of the same mind-set and practiced daily. I had my GT concepts cleared by Cdr Rajan sir and that worked as a strong catalyst for this success. So, I got an environment to make my mindset focused in a unified direction. This made me introspect, and find my actual loop holes to work upon. After 3 months came the AFSB and the bull’s eye was hit.

But there was another challenge. My sitting height was 1cm excess for flying and I was overweight by 25Kg. I got a TR. The reduction of height was directly linked to reduction of weight and I had to reduce that within a span of two months. I gave it my everything and was declared fit in the remedials. I got merit in and soon, will be joining the prestigious Indian Airforce Academy.

My advice for aspirants would be to Create a similar constructive environment for yourselves, you’ll make it, surely. It would require a good friend circle and positive dedicated mindset to achieve.

That’s All about my journey of AFSBs. A daunting, new journey awaits and I am eagerly waiting for that.


The seed of achievement lies in the human mind, But when the realization comes up,

There’s no looking back. Jai hind.

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